Lara is a 23 year old female orca who lives at Kamogawa Sea World where she was born on February 8, 2001. Her mother is Stella and her father is Bingo. Lara spends a lot of time with Lovey, Ran 2, and Luna. Lara has witnessed many births and has helped her mother and Lovey take care of their calves. She is a rather dominant orca and will display this to the other whales. She is also trained in waterworks and has never shown aggression to her trainers. Lara has yet to have a calf, but she is currently being trained for artificial insemination.
Sex-Female Age-23 Birthday-2/8/01 Birth Place-Kamogawa SeaWorld Type of Birth-Tail First |
Family Parents Sisters
Unknown Niece/Nephew
Origin of Lara
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